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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Protect your assets

Remember that your assets (the things you own) are worth protecting. I recommend taking pictures of everything you have that is worth more than $100.00 and storing it digitally on a sky drive or a fire safe (both would be even better.) In addition I recommend that you make color photocopies of every ID, Credit card and debit card you have and storing these somewhere safe also. Don't forget to document your paper assets while you are at it, this includes; car titles, deed to the house, investments, etc. Not only can this exercise give you great peace of mind by giving you a reference in the event of a fire, flood, robbery, etc. you will also have an opportunity to go through your possessions and decide what is valuable enough to keep, what is worth selling or donating, and of course what needs maintenance. Maintaining you valuables is another great way to protect them from deterioration and ultimately from needing replacement. When you are photographing your valuables remember that for electronics and firearms getting serial numbers is extremely important. I find that the practice of protecting my assets gives me a strong sense of peace. I hope it does the same for you.


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