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Friday, March 2, 2012

Health and personal responsibility

A very hot topic right now is healthcare, we are constantly inundated with new buzzwords like "Obamacare, Romneycare, Etc. Two things that everyone seems to agree on are; 1.We as a society have many preventable health related problems i.e. Smoking, Obesity, etc. 2.We all pay for the increased costs of healthcare as a result. These can both be addressed best by each of us individually by taking personal responsibility for ourselves and our well-being. This is not to imply that each person is to blame for all of their ailments, but let us avoid the pretense that we have no responsibility for ourselves and our conditions. If each of us between the ages of 15 and 55 just once a week performs only 20 minutes of mild exercise we would burn an estimated 100-200 calories we will average that out to 150 calories per week per person and 23,664,750,000 for the nation per week. That equals 7800 calories/person per year and 1,230,567,000,000 for the nation per year remember that this is from only 20 minutes/week!!! When you bring that back to the basics of 20 Min of MILD exercise per person per week this demonstrates the power of cumulative effort. Now that we have come this far consider the effects if every individual in this demographic also ate one more salad per week and drink two extra glasses of water. I issue a challenge to anyone who reads this to do the above for the remainder of the year and if you smoke, stop, (I know it sucks I've done it...recently.) By following a recipe like this that requires a minimum of time (less than one hour/week,) we can cut our healthcare costs as a nation while improving our quality of life, now that is a stronger America for stronger Americans.

Take responsibility for yourself and take control of your own life.


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