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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

American Cheese

I found something on Facebook yesterday that a friend posted stating, "Welfare was not meant to be a career option." I liked it, even shared it. It kept popping up in my mind all day that there are plenty of Americans out there that actually do need some form of help so I started doing a little research for today's post and discovered that the United States sends out more foreign aid than any other nation in the world and has more foreign support charities than any other country in the world. Now I find myself it better to send our money overseas to be distributed by other sovereign nations as socialized relief or is it better to let charity truly begin at home, if you read the title of this blog I don't need to answer my own question. Since as a taxpayer I am already contributing to the largest foreign aid programs in the history of the world I will share some info for giving at home. I have a soft spot for those who truly are not responsible for their situations in life and starting with kids and my list will reflect that, but what about victims of natural disasters and those that dedicate their lives to serving us, yeah they make the list too. At the top of my personal list is St. Judes Research Hospitals, The make-a-wish foundation, and American Red Cross, I have to include Goodwill since my Grandmother worked there for most of her life rehabilitating workers and testing them for job placement, If you would like to support the families of fallen law enforcement officers take a look at the BTLS Foundation My list would not be complete if I did not include the Wounded Warriors. If my list is not what you are looking for check out or, guidestar is unique in my view as being a reference for the tax papers of non-profits so you know how much of your money gets to where you are trying to send it.

If you give of yourself, give of yourself to make America Stronger.


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