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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Growing the future

The next generation of garden is ready to spring forth, right now there are 3 different cucumber pots getting ready to be transplanted.  Also in the mix, is a yellow jubilee tomato plant to add some variety.  Unfortunately the last crop just did not pay out and the garden has been marking time waiting for rejuvenation.  I almost always start everything in Jiffy pellets and that is the case here also, Yesterday the last two to sprout were transplanted into 4" pots and the largest is already in an 8" pot all in the miracle grow soil.  I am noticing that the Miracle grow comes dryer than the Scott's so a new tip is to spray the soil as you go for more uniform wetness as compared to watering the plant in as normal.  I am avoiding going too crazy before any potential move but it is always a strong decision to grow more veggies.


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