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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Educated American

In order to increase our GDP (Gross Domestic Product) or the money that is made and spent in america we all need to make more money. Sounds easy enough but so many people really have no idea where to start and may be discouraged by the age old belief that you have to be a doctor or lawyer to be financially successful. If you are satisfied in your career field, take continuing education courses or additional certifications to increase your marketability and thus your income. If you find yourself among the millions that need a change or find themselves unsatisfied in their work and subsequently unmotivated to advance, consider aptitude testing. I do not mean the online college sponsored tests that always seem to put you in the exact field(s) of study the college is trying to market. I do mean a comprehensive analysis of your innate abilities. There are several resources available for to us ranging from simple at home self directed tests such as SDS available from PAR, a Florida based company and to more comprehensive laboratory analysis like those conducted at the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation Take the information you gather about yourself and use it to better your life and personal economy. At the very least you will undoubtedly have a better sense of what you need at work and at home.

Know Thyself.


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