Before you buy ANYTHING go here!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Skin care...intensive skin care

Yesterday I got most of the tanning chemicals and oils ordered from Knoblock's, a premier provider to the tanning industry.  I am considering doing the deer hide if I get one this week, tanning is a valuable skill that I have long been interested in for this purpose and since I am getting started anyhow I am looking forward to getting as much use out of my new skill as I can.  Snakes are also on the list, I have officially begun seeking a large snake hunter who is in need of a partner.  It is interesting that I have had this on my mind so much of late and yesterday I found a show filmed in Miami-Dade County that features the Fire Dept. chasing these snakes it is called Swamp Wars and I do believe that they may have the coolest job ever.  I need to know if I have the strength to handle a 20 foot snake.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Missed the woods for the trees

I am doing my annual fall dance between the woods and the homestead.   At home I have a wife and animals plus a little garden that keeps me interested and sometimes fed.  As of last year I have added another dimension i.e. the lake.  The lake is awesome for gators and pigs and friends, but not so much for the family. I am looking forward to a potential move in the near future that will put me within walking distance of a wilderness area and bring that aspect of my life closer to my home life.  Balance is what I am looking for, balance of things I like and things I love.  So far I am incorporating everything relatively well but it looks like my life is coming into even closer alignment with my goals and desires and then who knows what we can add next if I just have the strength to plan and live these daily dreams.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hey you have got some thick skin.

In anticipation of bringing the next gator back to the house for full processing and tanning I am beginning to research the process and appropriate materials.  FloridaFishandhunt.comFloridaFishand  is a website that I am new to but I really like their layout and information, click the link and check out their alligator skinning and butchering plan.  The info is about the same as you would find anywhere else bu the photos are a nice touch.  tanning skin and processing wild meat is a skill that hearkens back to the beginning of time and will serve me well into the future.  I will include photos and maybe a video or two when I start everything it should be a strong lesson.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Well, that's just peachy

This afternoon I put the peach seed into some soil.  I liberated the seed from the pit via table vise after letting it dry for a week or so.  Planted 4" deep in Miracle Grow the little seed may bring big things.  I did mention the soil I am using since I am just beginning to use it, sort of a trial.  So now I have an avocado that has a nice root going and the shell is splitting on the seed, cherries and a plum are cooling off in the fridge prior to planting, and two oranges starting in 4" pots.  The goal obviously is to grow a bit of fruit and I am starting it in anticipation of having some ground of my own soon to plant it in.  I intend to do a bit more with the citrus by bringing in some lemon, lime and grapefruit but the oranges are the guinea pigs.  Hopefully I can work out the kinks of starting seedling prior to establishing my own mini grove.  I know the title leads toward the peaches but I am including a picture of the avocado 2 minutes ago.  I hope the root is strong!

Can't keep a good man down

I was able as you can see to access the Blog.  A software program was to blame (a toolbar) for keeping me out.  Since the last post, we got an 11 foot gator for the freezer, turned some venison into homemade burger, got the IRA onto an auto pay program and got the next crop ready to go into the garden. This year we are growing yellow Jubilee tomatoes.  I am sure that I have missed something, but the good news is that I can share some strength with you again.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

And so began a grove...

I decided that if I live in Florida and I start trees I had ought to try my hand at citrus, good old fashioned Florida Oranges.  Not being the Citrus expert I looked to what is rapidly becoming my go to resource for how to start trees from seed, EHow.  Check out the page I am referencing during my first foray into the culture of this ideally suited South Florida plant.  I do have video, all of my thanks go to DVDSoft, without their free video converter software I never would have been able to share this poorly shot video with terrible sound...I guess that that will have to be next on the list of improvements.  All questions of quality aside, there will be more to come on the presentation front,  In the mean time check out the video and tell me what you think.


Sharing is Caring

I thought ahead a couple of months ago and handed out some calabaza seeds to my co-workers.  I had been wanting to try to grow them myself, however my space limitations prohibited me from doing so.  When I got to work this morning one of my associates let me know that I have one coming my way and it is nearly ready.  I have been handing out seeds at work for nearly as long as I have been gardening but this was a new barter for me, each staff member got six seeds for the price of one calabaza (tropical pumpkin,)  not only do I get some produce that I can't grow at home but so do my friends with the added benefit that maybe one more person will get the itch to grow something they might otherwise overlook.  I guess that in our circle we are stronger together.


Monday, September 17, 2012

What to do now?

Well, No gator this week, I guess that will have to wait a few days on that.  Since that is the case, I will be spending more time in the gardent this week to bring it back from it's hunting season coma.  The first step for me is going to be to do an evaluation of what the soil and climate will support and compare that to my particular uses and needs.  I am hoping to put in some Cherokee purple tomatoes and a few more bell pepper plants, these are all relatively easy to care for and fit in well with our diets.  If these will fit the rotation plan as well as fitting the criteria listed above then I will be starting the greenhouse up tonight and hopefully have some seedlings by this time next week if everything gets off to a strong start.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Throwing away the wrapper

All of my life I have bought things and thrown away the wrapper, as a child I may have even been guilty of playing in the box a time or two.  Now I am an adult that is interested in doing more with what I have and getting more out of myself and my time.  So now the wrapper is a gator hide (or two,) and if I am so lucky a deer hide.  Well these are more than mere wrappers I know but the fact is I should be recycling everything that I can and the future uses of the leather will far exceed the cost of the process.  I went to Ehow and pulled up the process for the gators and will be trying it myself, with any luck I will be posting a lot of cool info about the process and results.  The material list is short and the work is detailed but I cannot get past the strong feeling of pride that I get from providing directly from nature to my family.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Save some for later

I had to look up a shipment tracker for my box of MADE IN USA LED light bulbs from LEDNovations.  yesterday and go claim my box that was on hold in my wife's shipping and receiving area.  The first bulb is already in the wall and the others on standby.  It has become much easier for my to have American Made products, green products or other goods that matter to me by buying ahead.  We maintain a pantry area and thanks to the Man in the Can I am looking forward to starting canning later this year but this is my first foray into stocking up on not just supplies for everyday emergencies but also for the emergency that is everyday,  When I need that bulb it will already be waiting for me.  That is an easy answer that I like, buy extra and there is no good reason to find yourself compromising your values later to avoid an inconvenience, like buying Japanese bulbs rather than American just because imported bulbs are more available.  Stay Strong.


The Strength to do it all.

"Have you given up on the garden?"  This is the question my wife asked me yesterday.  I thought about it and said, "No, why?"  Well it turns out that when I neglect thee garden for hunting season bugs still come, soil still dries out and the leaves still grow.  I have this tendency you see to focus 100% on one thing and take it as far as I can go, and while I am blazing new trails the old ones grow over.  This year when we get the new house I will put in a self-watering garden and try to make things workable for that quarter of the year that I would rather hang from a tree than water a plant.   That is just how things work in my mind If I like it, I love it, if I want it to continue however, I have to make it into a system; a watering system, a ring of marigolds to keep the bugs out, a pre-planned schedule to keep things working.  Strength  of all types is built over time including the strength to live a life I can be proud of, so next time I find I am marching full force into something new I will remember to look closely at the parts of my life I need to bring with me and make them  automatic.  So maybe next September my wife won't have to ask if I still garden.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Making it Count

Whether I am going out hunting (like tonight,) buying LED light bulbs (waiting on a shipment right now,) running the garden or just learning a new recipe I know that I am making it count.   I have a list of goals that I have written about before.  Each goal has a number and every time I plan to do something even a s simple as reading a book I check to see how doing that moves me measurably toward my goals and which ones.  It can be one activity like reading an investment book, well that activity moves me toward my goal of being a steady long-term investor and my goal of being well read.  This activity gets two different numbers to demonstrate that it serves two goals.  Doing this little activity allows me to see all the progress that I weave into my life and gives me something to be grateful for every day.   I also go through my goals and plans book regularly and make a list of things I can do that materially moves me closer to all of my goals, having an activity like this to keep me on track gives me strength and it takes strength to make it count every day!


P.S. I will be out in the field almost every day for the next week so posts will be irregular.  I will be taking notes and photos and hopefully I can figure out how to get my videos out on the blog also.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Meat Eater

Well I am in the process of getting some venison for the upcoming year and the season is off to a good start. Over the weekend I saw at least four different deer including two bucks. Where I hunt the rule is bucks only so even though does taste better, this year we will be eating one of the boys.  I did get some video of one while on my stand yesterday and I am still trying to get it to load onto the blog.  Finding the bucks and patterning their daily movements is the key to bringing one home, right now I have two different bucks staked out and I know what times of the day they are moving so it looks like a nice meal of venison is not too far off in the future.  Wild meat is not only free of Antibiotics and steroids but is also much leaner and heart healthy.  I am looking forward to going into the process of making homemade sausage when I have some meat to work with.  There is nothing stronger than an American who can survive on their own skills.